At Broadrun Farms, our animals are raised for food production. Our dairy cows provide us with delicious milk; our beef cows provide us with tender, juicy beef; our chickens either give us eggs or meat.
For six generations, the Caldwell family has been devoted to the production of quality dairy products. In 2002, we switched the farm from a conventional, confinement model of a Holstein dairy to a grass-based farm with Jersey and Jersey-Holstein cross cattle. The benefits include improved animal health, soil fertility and reduced labor and energy inputs.
In 2012, we started a new breeding program that has allowed us to build a herd of approximately eighty, A-2 Jersey cows and an Angus cow/calf herd that can continue to expand to meet our customer’s desires for grass-fed beef.
What We Do
100% Grass-Fed
We operate as a quasi seasonal grazing herd, pasturing the animals 365 days a year. Provided the weather cooperates and the grass continues growing, April through November their only source of forage is from the lush green grass the animals ‘harvest’ themselves. During the winter months – or when there is a lack of rain during the growing season, they are fed baled forage from these same pastures.
In order to offer our milk year round, we have altered our breeding program in recent years to provide for a spring freshening herd and a fall freshening herd. Cows need to continue having calves yearly in order to continue lactating (producing milk).
All of our animals are raised outside on pasture. Studies have shown that meat and dairy products from animals fed grass have higher levels of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and Omega 3, which are fatty acids that have been proven to aid in the fight against cancer and provide many additional health benefits.
Dairy Cattle
We use a breeding program that allows the cows to enjoy a rest period prior to calving each year. This system enables the cow’s reproduction cycle to act in a more natural manner.
Beef Cattle
Our Angus steers are pastured year round. They are finished on baled grass hay and a high energy sorghum sudan grass (fresh forage, not a silage) for 1 month prior to processing. This allows the meat to develop a delicate marbling that enhances the flavor and texture of the meat. In 2021, we built a small beef processing shop where we process and package our beef personally. Customers interested in a whole, half or quarter steer may visit this link to be placed on our reservation list.
Each year, we purchase day-old chicks to raise as fryers or broilers. Our chickens are fed an organic feed mix, consisting of ground corn and other natural grains, water, and also have free access to the pasture where they can peck for bugs and worms in the ground.
Grass Fed
Grain Fed

Why Choose Grass-Fed Beef?
- 80% less total fat
- 30% less cholesterol
- higher content of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids
- high levels of antioxidants
- 4x more vitamin E
- 10x more vitamin A
- contains high levels of conjugated linolenic acid, which may enhance muscle growth, reduce heart disease and lower cancer risk